One Great World

My Templates! for Windows

My Templates! for Windows. A free and easy way of managing your templates in Windows, across all your applications and programs.


Choose from below:

How to use

  1. Right click in any folder (including the desktop) but not on an icon - i.e. the background of a folder or the desktop.
  2. Now select "New From Template" and then select "Open My Templates". This will open the special templates folder where you can copy files or folders into. Try it!
  3. Once you have copied a file or folder into this special folder it will appear on the "New From Template" menu
  4. From now on you can just right click in any folder or on your desktop and the file(s) or folder(s) (objects for short) added to the special "My Templates" folder will appear in the submenu. If you from the menu select one of your added objects, it will be copied into the folder where you right-clicked in the first place.
  5. That is it! Now enjoy or uninstall

My Templates! offers the following over the built-in "New" functionality in Windows

  • You can have multiple templates for the same type. As an example, you can have more than one Word Document template directly from the menu
  • You can also template folders. Folders can contain multiple other files that are also copied

Support and Feedback

If you have any questions or feedback regarding My Templates! please contact Christian Gaarden Gaardmark.



  • This was partly inspired by the OS/2 Workplace Shell
  • Torsten Balle Koefoed, and others at, for testing an early alpha version
  • Jim Barry, who helped me via
  • Henk Devos, who helped me via See also Whirling Dervishes
  • Christian Gaarden Gaardmark for the idea, design and implementation

What's next?

  • By default files/folders dragged into your My Templates folder should always be copied, whether on the same drive or not. The same should go for objects dragged from the folder.
  • On first time install, create some "good" templates (optional)
  • Should shortcuts be resolved so that the shortcut is not copied but rather the object (file/folder) it is pointing to?
  • Create special "My Templates" shell folder in My Computer?
  • Removal of the existing New menu (once I implement support for the "mechanisms" that New support)
  • Move configuration/settings to an XML file
  • Support a set of roaming templates
  • Add a central shared template service